
You sabi cook?

Learn & master how to cook Nigerian food

Step by step video guides and recipes on how to cook popular Nigerian foods, stews, snacks, small chops, drinks, and smoothies.

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Cooking Videos & Recipes

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How to cook Nigerian jollof rice
How to cook Nigerian food
Nigerian food video guides

So much food…

Nigeria has so many delicious foods from all regions in the country.

Most Nigerian foods are delicious when they are well prepared.

These food are easy to prepare, you just need to follow our video guides… step by step, you can pause, rewind or fast forward, it’s like having a professional chef looking over your shoulders showing you step by step how to prepare these meals.

Our video guides will take you from a beginner cook to a pro-level, you will be able to prepare delicious Nigerian meals of all kinds in no time.

Naija food tutorials and recipe

Whatever kind of food you want to make.

We can help because we are very passionate about food.

Whether you are a woman that is looking to impress her man with delicious Nigerian foods or perhaps you are a man looking to impress your lady, or maybe you just want to learn how to prepare delicious healthy food for yourself.

Then our cooking video guides are exactly what you need.

You will learn so much about making Nigerian foods that you would surprise the people around you and even surprise yourself.


Our video guides covers
all varieties of Nigerian delicacies, including...

Delicious Foods and Stews

This includes; all kinds of rice, soup, stew, and others like ewa aganyin, Nigerian gala, moin-moin, peppered kpomo, and so much more.

Fresh Snacks and Small Chops

Including doughnuts, meat pie, buns, burger, pizza, chicken pie, coconut puff puff, crunch chin chin and so much more

Healthy Drinks and Smoothies

Including banana smoothie, popular naija drinks, weight loss smoothie, fruit cocktails and so much more

Nigeria has it all.

We are really the giants of Africa, even when it comes to food too.

Nigeria is blessed with so much food, fresh organic produce with a lot of variety, due to its climate range. Nigerian climate changes from the north (Sokoto) to the south (Calabar), from Savannah to the rainforest which is reflected in the vegetation and food found in each region. They are varied both in type and abundance.

The variation also shows up in the way the ingredients are used in each region e.g in the south with an abundance of rainfall, vegetables are used fresh while in the far north with much less rain but an abundance of sunlight, dehydrated vegetables are mostly used which are stored and used all year round.

Our video guides cover it all, over 80 cooking guides, and are updated frequently.

Ready to Learn How to Cook Naija Food?

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Get access to over 80 cooking video guides & recipes

You can pay online or pay using bank transfer, after payment, we will send you a link to the cooking video guides, you can watch the videos online, or download them for later, and watch them anytime, anywhere.

You can pause, rewind or fast forward, it’s like having a professional chef looking over your shoulders showing you step by step how to prepare these meals.

We add new videos to the existing videos all the time. You can always make a request for a particular food cooking guide (that’s if it’s not included already)

Regular Price is N7,500 but, You can get it Now for N3,500

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Best Nigerian Jollof rice